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Welcome to HSMAI San Diego

HSMAI is the hospitality industry source for knowledge, community, and recognition for leaders committed to professional development, sales growth, revenue optimization, marketing, and branding.

HSMAI is a global organization of sales and marketing professionals representing all segments of the hospitality industry. With a strong focus on education, HSMAI has become the industry champion in identifying and communicating trends in the hospitality industry while operating as a leading voice for both hospitality and sales and marketing management disciplines, as well as connecting its members with customers. Founded in 1927, HSMAI is an individual membership organization comprised of nearly 7,000 members from 35 countries and chapters worldwide.

Fuel Sales
Resources for sales professionals to fuel sales in their organizations, including articles, white papers, conference presentations, and templates.

Inspire Marketing
Inspire your marketing by accessing resources such as case studies of the winners of the HSMAI Adrian Awards competition, insights from industry marketing leaders, and marketing templates.

Optimize Revenue
Optimize your revenue by incorporating principles from HSMAI's Revenue Optimization Conference (ROC) presentations, expert articles, and revenue management templates.

Become an HSMAI Board or Committee Member Now!
Are you interested in volunteering in an organization committed to the San Diego hospitality community? We welcome applications to become a Board or Committee member year round with an official Board change at the end of every calendar year. Please refer to this document for the board position descriptions. Please fill out the application form or contact us with your interest to serve and we'll find a place for you.

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2022 Award Winner - Frank W. Berkman
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Renewed Member Spotlight

Thank You to the following renewing members of the HSMAI San Diego family:

Kelly Bridwell, CHDM | Peregrine Hospitality

Isabelle Camu, CHBA, CRME | Fairmont Grand Del Mar

Dana Cariss, CHDM | CoralTree Hospitality

Kristie Goshow | Peregrine Hospitality

Sarah Newcomer, CHDM | Peregrine Hospitality

Joe Spirito, CHDM | Amadeus

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New Member Spotlight

Join us in welcoming the following new members to the HSMAI San Diego family:

Leigh Ann Coronel, CHDM | Peregrine Hospitality

Kunal Shah  | ZS